Register with us as a New Patient

Anyone wishing to register with the practice, and will be for more than 3 months, should in the first instance, complete registration forms. Individual forms are required for each person wishing to register. All newly registered patients are asked to fill in a questionnaire and have a consultation with the healthcare assistant within three months of registering.

Registration forms can be found below or on the NHS Inform website. This link will take you to the relevant page where you can download the registration form. Both forms (registration and new patient questionnaire) must be completed and both can be typed straight on to so no need to print them off. If you wish to submit your forms via email please use: [email protected]

If you are registering a newborn please complete and submit just the registration form along with the white paper given when your baby was registered. If you are registering a child from the age of 3months to 12years please complete and submit the registration form along with the Child Immunisation form found below.

We only accept new registrations from within the practice boundary (please refer to our Boundary map below). If you live out with our practice boundary we, as a practice, have a right to decline your registration.

Patients have a right to express a preference to receive services from any of the listed health care clinicians and the practice will endeavour to comply with any preference expressed. However, the preferred Clinician reserves the right to refuse to provide services to the patient if they do not routinely perform the services in question.

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP. For example, you may live too far away. If this is the case we ask that your choose another GP in your local area.

Your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

Download the forms

If you would rather submit your application to register personally please download and complete the forms below

New Patient Registration Form

Beith Health Centre New Patient Questionnaire

Child Immunisations

Patient Guide to GP Services